Authentic Surfing

Am I safe in the internet?

Are my Internet practices healthy?

Do I get my money’s worth whenever I browse?

Ask these three questions to yourself each time you enter a new site in the World Wide Web.

Safety Concerns

The Internet serves as a multipurpose platform for various scientific, social and commercial fields. It serves as the backbone of global economy and many earn their livelihood from it.

Since the internet has become a huge source of potential information many rules and restrictions apply to internet users based on their priority and it has become imperative for us to realize the seriousness of the cyber space.

Today’s internet is not a direct product, produced by a particular company. But it has undergone a series of transformational phases and has bound to itself various technologies developed by innumerous scientists.

Each feature of the internet is intended for one or more purposes. For example the internet’s e-mail feature was widely used to send and receive text or multimedia messages. But each time an email is being sent a header is attached with it, which carries vital information from which, even the geographical location of the sender can be decoded.

If that’s the case with e-mail alone what with the rest of the features of the internet, it even worsens. The personal information which we share on our social networking sites could satisfy the necessary parameters for a hacker who could earn his benefits by hacking into our network.

Healthy Browsing

It is very essential for us to think about the beneficiaries behind every action that we do in a web page. A link which you may follow from your e-mail inbox could be a remunerator for a complete stranger you could have not even met before. There is nothing in the internet which has not been programmed without a gain.

Avoiding transactions with inauthentic merchants, avoiding unknown emails and suspicious links and staying incurious about spooky happenings in public sites are notably hygienic practices in this current scenario of the Internet.

Money Matters

Many social networking sites have introduced gaming applications. Internet games have started to become more popular in the recent past, especially with the introduction of broadband and Hi-Speed internet services. But internet gamers have been reporting games to being more addictive recently.

The internet game FarmVille which could be played through the social networking site Facebook has attracted millions of online gamers. Its addictiveness has resulted in the most stunning statistics ever. With 63, 21,391 active users everyday and a daily growth rate of 2.19 FarmVille boasts its top rank in the Facebook Application Leader board.


Despite of the fact that we make game developers millionaires we unknowingly spend pennies through every click that we make. Every time we click on a button on the internet data packets are transferred back and forth from our personal PC or Handheld to our Broadband service provider who charges us.

Being aware that every bit of downloaded information is cost effective and promptly spending our internet resources can save us from a chaotic and unproductive situation. Internet has brought us excellent features which the previous generation would not have even imagined. If we properly best use the technology of this boundless World Wide Web horizon isn’t hard to touch.

S. Benson Daniel

Karunya University